Open Conference Systems, 1st KBP COnference

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The Impact of Total Assets and Profit and Loss for the Current Year on Audit Report Lag in Banking Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dwi Natasya, Annisa Annisa

Last modified: 2024-07-02


The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of total assets and profit and loss for the current year on audit report lag in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2020-2022. The population is 58 banking companies listed on the IDX. Using purposive sampling techniques is applied in determining samples. The sample of this study is banking companies listed on the IDX and meet the criteria. The number of samples in this study is 46 financial statements taken based on predetermined criteria. Data was collected by documentation methods measured using a ratio scale. The results showed that total assets had a significant negative influence on audit report lag with an alpha value of 0.0006, profit and loss for the current year did not have a significant influence on audit report lag with an alpha value of 0.1522.


Total assets, profit and loss for the current year: audit report lag


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