Open Conference Systems, 1st KBP COnference

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The Role Of Promotions In Increasing The Number Of Customers At PT. Bank Nagari Cabang Pasar Raya Padang
Romi Susanto, Syahismi Octya Ananderi

Last modified: 2024-07-05


The aim of this researcher is to determine the role of promotion in increasing the number of customers at PT. Bank Nagari, Pasar Raya Padang Branch. This research uses a quantitative method to describe descriptively. The results of this research show that in the 2020-2021 period this occurred. the growth and decline in the number of customers was -18.21% and in the 2021-2022 period there was an increase in the number of customers by 8.07%. Factors that caused the increase and decrease in the number of customers. is an internal factor, due to employees lacking promotion and formalization carried out by the bank's own internal parties, employees' lack of understanding in mastering products, especially those related to third party funding sources such as savings, deposits and current accounts. Apart from that, the cause of the decline in the number of customers is problems on the part of potential customers related to economic conditions. The increasing number of financial institution competitors, which offer various conveniences and products that have superior competitiveness.


Bank, Promotion, Customer


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