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Influence Of Online Customer Reviews And Online Customer Rating On Purchasing Decisions On The Shopee Marketplace
Natasya Wendika Putri, Juarsa Badri

Last modified: 2024-07-04


The purpose of study This is For test influence online customer reviews and online customer ratings to decision purchases on the marketplace shopee . Variables used​ in study This covers variable bound , ie decision purchases (Y), and variables free , that is online customer review (X1) and online customer rating (X2). Type on study This is use method quantitative , data collection through spread questionnaire to 94 respondents with use probability sampling, namely accidental sampling . With use instrument testing (validity test and reliability test ) , assumption test ( normality test , multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test ) then multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing with help SPSS application . Result of study This show that online customer reviews are influential positive and significant to decision purchases and online customer ratings are influential positive and significant to decision purchase.


Online, Customer, Reviews


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