Open Conference Systems, 1st KBP COnference

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Maintaining Customer Satisfaction by Implementing Excellent Service by Frontliners at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Sub-Branch of Andalas University, Padang
Elva Dona, Raihan Al Dzikri Yusra

Last modified: 2024-07-20


Banking development in Indonesia is currently still seen in a healthy condition, which encourages each bank to provide optimal and more professional services. The banking sector has a vital role in strengthening a country's economy, so it has a significant impact on the lives of modern society today. Banks act as institutions that collect funds from the public in various forms such as savings, current accounts, and deposits, then channel them back to the public in the form of credit, with the aim of improving the welfare of society as a whole. This research aims to determine the application of excellent service by frontliners in maintaining customer satisfaction at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TBK Unand Padang sub-branch office, research results show that the implementation of excellent service by the frontliners used by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TBK Unand Padang Sub-Branch Office with very good responses and responses from 50 customers, where in terms of trust the answer was strongly agree 68.46%, agree 27.32%, unsure 3.08%, and disagree 1.14%, strongly disagree 0%, while from the results of service quality with answers strongly agree 72.26%, agree 26.11% doubtful 1.63%, disagree 0%, strongly disagree 0%.


service, customer, satisfaction


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